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                                  Advertisement                     page 1

                   The tenth, hypothesis of aging.


                            Emilio Vick Garcia

 In a review of his book Child’s Conception of Time

                                Jean Piaget     

 ( Quote -Adaptation is only organization grappling with

the actions of the environment. Unquote.

  I could ask what organization is in humans.

          The Human Species Has a biological clock

Found in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)

Part of the hypothalamus

          It is where the Circadian Rhythm is resident.

It’s where time and weather are understood.

          Hormonal changes the body understands.

It is where an understanding of your commands.

To the body is complied with.

         It is where science we do not understand.

And give it Greek names. Are we on to something?


          The Biological Clock page 2

Regulating physiological functions

Light, Temperature change, sleep cycles,

Hormone secretion, Metabolism, immune system

           Your biological clock can tell time and wake you up when you ask,

I say to myself I need to be up at seven and I wake up at seven.

           Your talking to whatever in yourself

It understands your language,  whatever language you speak.

          Then it understands time outside your body,

 the time you requested then changes your body’s biology,

To produce hormones.

          At that time in the morning.

It is an environmentally interactive innate biological system.

         How can the biological clock tell in real time outside your body?  

We do not know what makes the Circadian Rhythm work.

We do not know what runs the program.

         When you draw dots that form a circle

Is it as your vision creating concepts?                             Page 3

For they are just dots, the circle is in your mind.

(Innate interactive vision systems, biological, biochemical, signaling  programs)

          One Called closure in gestalt.

Human closure is.

           The illusion of seeing an incomplete stimulus as

Though it was whole.

          Something that will determine what you think of people in range.

All animals are in a consent.  circle of accommodation and assimilation

with programs that change over time.

 biochemical programmed systems.

          Born with Innate programs like the fight or flight response and the like.

Environmental interactive programs

          The interacting senses seem to take on a whole new science.

add Language, Culture, and a whole matrix of stimuli.

Collect the data and track the integrative systems.

           Then hack them.

There are the sciences for people who are overweight, Psychology, and the like.   Page 4

It can help them with the environmental impact of the body projecting an image and the stimuli that create it.

                              overweight person's integrative systems

in its sentient reality.

          The problem is the system that controls the appetite.

It’s not working normally.

          Hack the system with a high-fiber diet and take.

Garcinia Cambogia (herb) reverses the appetite)

          For a person with an allergy -take nettle leaf.

(detoxifying effect)

          Things should fit and they do, or our earth bond creatures would not exist.

Yesterday’s events, Today’s events, Tomorrow’s events.

           You innately understand there is a today and a tomorrow.

What is the program that makes you understand?

How it works, how it affects you.  

          Other animals have sleep cycles they must know night after day.

 But they live in the moment. They don't understand that there is a tomorrow.

          in the crossfire a child is killed is it a victim or a Marta? Page 5.

 The child should have lived longer.

If you want the answer to that I suggest you read Machiavelli’s

                               The prince

         His take on how to govern.

           understanding Machiavelli’s book 

 You need to read.



His take on how to conquer the World.

         Then you can proceed and conquer the world.

Until then, keep your mouth shut. And stay in the system.

          This advertisement is about hormones that fly off a person’s body attaché. To another person in the environment and bond

 (in review)

Quote -I teach you, Superman,

          Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man? Un quote

Friedrich Nietzsche. Philosopher (born Oct 15, 1844-

                   (Thus Spake Zarathustra)

Digital societies where everyone eats bugs. Page 6

          Creatures in digital boxes

A world filled with digital boxes. In a cloud,

That tracks your digital fingerprint whatever, I know who you are. a matrix world with a control center.

         Who runs the control center?

From outside the body or inside the body?


a four-dimensional creature would see a different reality.  

Can you scientifically understand your senses,

          It's not the science of the body’s programs, that makes them work.

Not only how they interact biochemically with chemical reactions but how and what elicits a response.   

        Can we Hack or prevent body programs from happening in the first place?

We are in this mental masturbation.

         When will we get to the end of it all?

We are tomorrow as the cave dweller is to us today.

        We can talk to each other as three-dimensional creatures.

In a Transactional Analysis

Parent, adult, child response page 7

      creating a script for your child to live with and the like.

You live in a three-dimensional world.

and you could never understand another dimension.

      Because you can never leave the place you are in

In quantum physics, one day you will move from one dimension to another.

       Understanding the body because it thinks in closure. (gestalt )

You make sense out of things all things.


         Thinking in human cognitive terms (is there any other way)

The body entity,  its sub-systems that make up the whole system.

         All systems are programmed by an entity.

The control center is the entity. 

        This entity says that all humans must die over time.

And new humans replace them.

Turns on and off systems over time.

       It has a procreation cycle system.

To produce more (world population )

       And an aging system to control the world population.   Page 8

Plus, a genetic war sequence to end world population.

All of this in a( sentient collective reality)

          It utilizes all the senses and the environmental nuances.

In a psychosomatic way Timed inference and the like.

          (What is the entity that created systems of sentient reality

And is programmed to end sentient reality.

Sentient reality ends when you stop thinking.

         And collective sentient reality ends when.

Extinction (no one is thinking)

         The inclination that created a war sequence in humanity        

You just don’t get old and die, do you?

        There must be a control center.

There are systems in your body that are programmed to happen.  Yes.

Like Closer, tunnel vision, fight-or-flight reflex, enlarge prostrate,

      Male and female menopause and the like,

And there are environmental biochemical interactive programs that can be turned off and on over time.

And change you over time.

       For nose bleeds take marshmallow root extract. Page 9

The fight-or-flight response is automatic physiological.

Reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening.

          The (perception) of threat activates.

The sympathetic nervous system triggers an acute stress response.

          That prepares the body to fight or flee.

The effect, signals to the brain, that the adrenal glands produce hormones. The Body changes.

          Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, tense muscles,

The liver converts glycogen to glucose, the lungs fast breathing,

Heart acceleration, slow digestion, hands shaking.

          The body entity is programing the changing body, from a visual stimulus.

The flight or fight response is designed literally to save your life.

But massive adrenaline damages your circulatory system.

Muscles, bones, and the like

             There is a good and a bad about this body reaction to an out if the body stimuli. (out of the body stimuli)

What other reactions are there to an out of the body?

                                                                                   Page 10

stimuli?  identify the other stimuli and the cause of the

changing reactions in humans.

And who controls all of this described as an entity I gave it?

a Greek name in one of the forward pages?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        You cannot at this time with the sciences today, understand.

Or stop it from happening, that’s why humans are programmed to die.

           You cannot change the innate body programs.

Because you don’t understand how to replace a genetic sequence (cas 9 protein )

 the prostate enlarges over time...

 stop the program. Not with the science we have today.

Neutralize it by hacking the program to prevent it from happening!

the body is a complex system, and all body systems are in crash over time, identify everyone and prevent or neutralize the program,

by Hacking the program. (hope for mankind)

With, herbs genetic editing, or anything that works

Page 11. Saw Palmetto, to prevent the enlarged prostate program from working in time.

 The program starts at forty or fifty years old in the Male.

            Take the herb, saw palmetto before you are forty.

Saw palmetto (referred to as sabal in Europe)

The berries of a plant ----link to buy.

The lipophilic (fat-soluble) extract of saw palmetto provides sterols and fatty acids caproic, lauric, and palmitic, which reduce the amount of dihydrotestosterone in the prostate.

              it works, you don’t need to understand science.

We don’t know what starts the program or how it understands you are forty or fifty years old but, it knows.

            We don’t know a lot of things.

We don’t know what dark matter is or dark energy is.

It’s a concept of our three-dimensional creature.

             I would feel uncomfortable Sitting on yellow stone thinking,

 did have a good life.

              Or a place where the moon drifts away.

What is the problem with moon science? the real science?

            The moon cannot be in its location by chance ? or a spooky event.  

 Page 12:    In retrospect, all today’s cultures are amazing( sentient collective realty.)

         Except for the war sequence in the human genome

Created by the thousand-year war of the hominins.

         The human animal has conceptual thought. (sentient reality)

This conceptual thought is one of the body’s systems.

         When it crashes you are out of the matrix of human systems.

You are reading this whatever advertisement you can still cling to a sentient reality. Turn you off and sentient reality will not exist.

human systems are Programmed to change.

        Let’s Hack the programs.

  How are you doing? Fine, I hope.

                                          My name is Emilio Vick Garcia

And this advisement is based on no real science.

That will Transform your body.

Into what you create

         By hacking the innate programs in the body  

What is it when you envision yourself in closure (gestalt)

What do you see every day in yourself, what clues make a whole?

Page 13:       That surely will create what you look like tomorrow.

  if you see in parts that create your vision idea.

If you see parts of your life that you don’t like, that can.

create a dismal whole, closure (gestalt )  Biochemical effect, (change in genes ) (epigenetic, silencing) (epigenetics cas 9 )

  biochemical feedback systems that can change the body, From the body stimuli.

is the entity (control center in the body) producing clues?

that activates the aging systems over time.

Genetic engineering can make a difference.

In say  ten years,

          the endless stimuli of the interacting environment,

culture, language, people,  

Are you not aware of all this or the effect it has on you?

          just moving in time, the body is changing you.

The body knows how old you are.

          When we say the body, is it an entity?

In your body that regulates, and analyzes creates chemical changes.

Understands time and creates changes, over time.

Page 14:  a genetic sequence that you are born with that is passed from your parents. (The programming for the whole body)

the crashing programs.

What are you creating when you look in the mirror?

 Can you understand the body’s innate systems' effects,

 and prevent them or naturalize them from happening?

Accommodating an assimilation

You go to work you have to deal with the people at work.

You must deal with the people at home or play.

 Talk to an Adult As an Adult you have that Adult-to-Adult Conversation that is quite different from a parent talking to a child or a child talking to its parent.

                        Adult to Adult

                       Parent to Parent

                        Child to Child

                       Parent to Child
                      Adult to Parent

And the like.

What effect does all this have on an assimilating accommodating creature?

A creature that has an entity in its body that understands time and can change the body.

Page 15: There is a psychological science for parent-child conversations.

Understanding the interacting culture communicating and linguistic, biochemical response (signaling system )

Visual and environmental actions that promote or neutralize systems,  on the sociological,  psychological, anthropological genetic,  Level

Let’s take the simple systems first.

 One system that crashes, is the human Heart.

                  Types of Human Heart Surgery


Aortic valve surgery



Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

Heart transplant

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

Left ventricular remodeling surgical ventricular restoration.

Myectomy /myotomy

Trans myocardial rescue   

Amortization (TMR)

And Valvolar surgery


And then there is

(EDTA) and away go troubles down the drain.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid finds and sticks to metals and minerals in the bloodstream.

This action creates a substance that leaves the body in the urine.

 a heart attack.

 EDTA  to prevent it from happening.

This entity is interactive, psychological, environmental,

biochemical, whatever, that programs actions, moving over time.


Let’s give it a Greek name (prosopo) person) in Greek.

We may not know how prosopo can make all the changes.

It is made in the body or how at the right external time.

            heart attack,

We can identify the problems and prevent it from happening.  

Preventing a heart attack


In review                                                              page 15

From the book Herbs That Heal

Micheal A Weine, Ph.D. & Janet Weiner

Butcher’s Broom

Quoit -The saponins in Butchers Broom constrict the veins and decrease the permeability of capillaries (phlebotherapeutic) agent, vitalized to treat disorders of circulation. Un quoit 




In a review of the book The Natural Pharmacy-

Skye D.C.

Jonathan M.D

Steve N.D.

Donald N.D. and Alan Gaby. M.D.


                 Quoit -Hawthorn

           Leaves and flowers of the herb

(Crataegus oxyacantha )

Support of early-stage Congestive heart failure

Page 16:   Hanthorn extracts help early-stage CHF by increasing blood flow to the heart Increasing the strength of heart contractions reducing resistance to blood flow in the extremities .unquote


                  CoQ10 helps convert food into energy for cells.

You get a decline in muscle energy over time.

(Heart failure.)

            The body turns off the energy production systems over time.  (lack of CoQ10 production for cells)turn on energy production.

Clogged blood vessels. Created by the body repairing the damaged walls of the blood vessels (EDTA)  dissolves the buildup.

           Give energy to heart cells. CoQ10

 would you have a healthy heart?

 a biological impact resistant to damage, heart, yes

          the heart is in  constant attack from

The systems you live in that cause stress,

 institutions, finding a job, dealing with

 the stressful people in your life, on the job.


          Rember, we gave the entity a name (prosopo)

Page 16:  Crates stress that can damage the body. Creating a clogged artery and the list goes on and on

It’s nice to have a cup of valerian root tea or capsules after work and before bed. (For stress.)

My thing is, like a psychosomatic event happening all your senses are telling you are getting old, gray hair, wrinkles.

loss of energy, prosopo can tell time days, and years,

and make changes Create clues. That triggered change.

Using the innate closer phenomenon to complete the circle.

(gestalt )

          This will confirm the idea that you are getting old in your mind.

Psychosomatic aging if you like.

          You’re telling yourself you’re getting old from the little cues prosopo in the body is creating,( the aging program)

( the aging program in your body)  

Is B F Skinner still in the public consciousness?

          If you tell your body, to wake you up at seven in the morning and your body wakes you up at seven.

The body can change its biochemistry.

          The body is a program to turn off systems over time.

It knows when you are a teenager. All systems on

Page 17:       And when you are old, all systems are off.

         When a women say early  forties

Menopause (Greek word  (pause)

        We give Greek names to things we don’t fully understand.

The French physician coined the term menopause.

a hormone imbalance

       Vitex to balance hormones.

what weather, climate change,

and radiation of all forms has to do with all of this.

       Cold weather has an impact on the immune system.

Viruses take advantage and flourish in extremely cold weather.

        And you have what everybody on the planet calls a cold.

Is it you were out in the cold then you felt sick, so you call it a cold, or you have a cold, how can you have a cold,  no” you have a virus? It’s cold outside.

           Viruses are always with you they just flourish in a weak immune system. And extreme cold weakens the immune system.

 And life is good if you don’t weaken.

        Don’t go out in extreme cold weather.

Before you go out in that cold weather have chicken soup the night before  

Page 18:   I add pepper and garlic, that’s me.

      Chicken soup increases mucus flow and has an amino acid called cysteine, which helps the body, and has an enzyme, to rid itself of cold viruses.

  called  (Jewish penicillin ) chicken soup. Good folklore

       Take vitamin C the night before the storm. 

Why and how cold weather influences the human’s immune system is the immune system, a system that breaks down in cold weather.

        Whatever, we don’t have science to understand, just boost the immune system.

Give it a Greek name. kpuo (cold)

      Kpuo is when you don’t eat chicken soup and a virus activates.  (Kpuo)

Look around at what you see, the culture you live in, the clothes people wear, the ride to work, the haircut they wear.

          The attitude they have, and you have, is not the same attitude you have at home or with a loved one, or is it?

The question is not how it will change you.

          The question is how you will make the change.

Let’s start from the beginning you look in the mirror.

         What do you want to see, better skin, less wrinkles?

For your skin (REVIVA-alpha lipoic acid +Vitamin C Ester+DMAE CREME  for your wrinkles and your face.—link to buy--

         Look in the mirror to understand that an improvement is only a clue that makes up the whole concept in your mind.

A feedback system at work (relax your face muscles)  

         Why do people war with each other?

Because it’s a genetic sequence

         We don’t have the science today but the  door to genetic editing  is open with Crispr cas 9 

Some day we will edit the war genetic sequence out of every human.

         The first war was between the hominine family Neanderthals and homo sapiens.

For resources after thousands of years (epigenetics)

         So, we have kind of a biological clock.

It has a group psychology attached to it.

         A leader will always emerge from the group.

Humans will always have war with each other, it’s in their genes.

        It’s an innate biological ( pragna ) Greek for thing ( give it a Greek name,   (pragna)

Pragna is a genetic sequence that creates war,

                   ( Pragna war machine )

 hack the system edit out the war sequence or silencing genes and what would you put in its place?

       So, humans will war until there are no humans. or

                               We do a little editing.

Let’s get back to simple systems.

        The system, wear your cartilage is wearing out for whatever reason and all the whatever health. conditions that come with it.

Yes, there is a program in your body to wear out cartilage over time. A never-ending program that never stops.

If you think your body is wearing out, would your body comply?

Assimilate and accommodate. And cartilage wears out.

         psychosomatic and the like.

After all, you are an interactive environmental creature

 and programmed to delete cartilage over time?

        The body repairs cartilage but as you age the body slows down the repair process. The body knows how old you are.

It knows what systems should be turned on and off in time.

                                      How to hack it  

Have the system promote cartilage growth over time.

         Take 1,000 mg of Glucosamine sulfate per day

The body will forever delete cartilage over time.

         And forever you will promote cartilage growth over time in the body (sure you will) by taking Glucosamine sulfate every day. 1,000mg per day.

          Image living in a society that sacrifices humans like the Maya. ( the teenagers are saying O let’s get high and go see the sacrifice) laughter.

Laughter is good for the body.

        Stress relief induces physical changes.

Enhances your intake of air.

Stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles.

        And increases the endorphins a good, relaxed feeling.

You need to laugh more.

      Generations later the Maya ran around and sacrificed people.

It becomes a genetic sequence.


         Like War in humans. Its Programed human behaviors

 Human behaviors are programs for interacting with people, On a collective level.

           Crispr Cas9  Genome Editing


Take Ashwagandha

         to get the good stuff working.

(Indian ginseng) rejuvenating effects on the body’s systems.

May help systems you’re not aware of

         You are falling apart, address the parts that are failing.

It may be a vision that affects you and produces harmful steroids every day.

Or it may be male or female menopause.

        What about the environment as you get through your day

What clues are you perpetuating?

You must communicate and work.

        Communicating can cause stress.

Work can cause stress.

        Nice to have a cup of tea. (valerian root tea )

Getting back to male menopause.

       Arginine and ornithine before bed 

Ninety minutes into sleep promotes the body to produce testosterone.

      And take Vitex. 

Don’t think you’re getting old,(biofeedback system in the body )

     Controlled by none other than Prosop

think systems are changing over time.

You’re hacking them.

          It’s not science, it's folklore,  hack a system.

The eyes, you don’t want glaucoma,

 smoke pot.

         And take.

 bilberry extract.



        Bilberry From World War 1, pilots needed to see better at night in their wooden planes they would eat bilberry jam.

They were flying at night, so they don’t get shot in the ass in the day.

       And take  Lutein, + U V  protected sun glass. +  Eye exercises

One of the systems over time that Prosopo turns on his hair turns gray, signaling. And  creating a clue in the circle of thinking

       A signal is a dot in the pictured circle of thinking

A psychosomatic event creating change in the body viewed clues, producing  ideas as a whole,

       If you’re thinking you will conclude it

and promote biological changes.

      Clues that promote an idea as a whole

The effect of Living in a matrix of cultures

      When animals live in overcrowded environments

The formation of groups They tend to attack each other.

      It’s about group psychology.

(collective group war psychology)

     What do you see when you look at your self-improvement?

The gray hair must go,  you’re telling the body you’re getting old with the clues of your gray hair.

      It will promote the program.  Replace the clue with a clue of your own.

 You could project Princess Diana.  Whatever works.

      Forty-three facial muscles create the way you look.

The zygomatic muscle creates a smile.

the eyebrows and the skin between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow come down very slightly.

      The muscle involved is the orbicularis oculi, pars lateralis.

That’s just the smile, what expressions like love, anger.

      If you exercise your body muscles they get pronounce

Bodybuilding and the like you shape your body.

          What are you shaping your face to look like?

You are exercising your facial muscles to create what expression.

          You tell me.

Not going to go through the expressions you create.

On your face that you may or may not be aware of

The hypothesis that the aging program  prosopo

          Promotes (the entity in your body that controls the program)

          After you create an unhappy face

How that stimulus from what you created, creates biological change?

A happy face that creates biological change

          An indifferent face that creates biological change

Just a  hypothesis that you create yourself or prosopo (body entity that controls body systems that create ageing)

          Creates it for you by turning on and off systems that change you.

          Let’s get back to the planet.

A woman gets a cyst ( prosopo turning systems on or off)

          Take evening primrose oil. 

Environmental actions impact genetic change in your body.

The sun's ultraviolet rays can over time

Everyone walks the planet with clues as to who they want other people to think they are even if it’s just background or blending in the group.

          What say you are creating,

that you want people to think after all you are dealing with clues that you place on your self

the walking style you carry with you.

the body language you express.

          None of this makes sense if you don’t take a class at Alan Lee's Chinese Kung Fu Wu Su Association NYC.

          How can you be a good lover if you’re not fiscally fit?

Let start from the beginning you have a bunch of clues

          The only reason you have clues is that you know the human animal has closers, (gestalt)  that think in a circle it creates a whole out of parts it’s an innate program in humans.

          That governs your conscientiousness.

It’s how you create the world you live in, it’s not the real world.

          Just the sentient reality that you live in, you must be alive.

If not alive, you would not have a body that is crashing over time to deal with.

In a capitalist culture

You should, but that’s me.  

         Move-in the ancient Greek culture’s norms of understanding the arts and the sciences. And live the good life,

But is it a good man who protects his brother who is a bad man?

Find the humor in bad events and project positive

          What has all this to do with systems crashing?

There is another entity in your body, your conscience.

          Let’s give it a Greek name because we don’t understand it, but we know that it changes things.

          What effect can it have on the body?

 How you move in your environment will affect you

As much as you affect it, people have a big effect on the environment.

          From all the parts of information you provide, your whole view is created.

          Whatever view that is, as a sentient animal you carry around this sentient.

          And you can’t get out of closure be it right or wrong.

A sentient really in a three-dimensional creature

          Moving in time the tools are passed on to the collective

Lives in a sentient collective reality.

That exists when you die.

          It’s not based on humans; it’s based on what they think.

A phoneme that movies in time.

          You don’t know you're part of a collective sentient reality.

A reality that only exists as a collective sentient reality

While you’re  alive

         Does the sentient being exist?

 but you’re not in it when you die.

        Let’s give it a Greek name (   theo’s )

A collective sentient reality moving in time programmed to live on as long as humans live.

I might ask what started the program and who controls it.

I am part of it as a component of the time I live.

          As a part am I creating a whole, is it the way  I must think?

You cannot think of any other way.

         In time and space, sentient reality exists.

 human extinction, sentient reality extinction

          The end of the world is when we stop thinking about it as a collative

 list of

         Products that will hack into the systems that are crashing.

that affects the body over time.


To give you more time in the collective sentient reality you live in, if it exists, it must, you live in it.

                                              Stuff you need to take every day.

Vitamin C - 1,000mg per day-

Natural vitamin E- 400 IU per day

Vitamin- B 6

Vitamin- B 12

CoQ10 -  100 mg per day

Hawthorn - one capsule per day-

improves blood flow, and lowers blood pressure.

Butchers Broom- 100mg per day -for systemic venous insufficiency.

Glucosamine sulfate -is used by the body to make other chemicals that build tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and the fluid around joints.

Saw palmetto -( prevent the system from activating – (enlarged prostate )

Vitex - helps balance hormones

         Lots of crashing systems you just put a bandage on them.

Relentless programs that crash over time

        My only hope is in genetic engineering.

Back to folklore

          Fish oil 1,000mg per day- eicosanoids that reduce inflammation in the body and improve hypertriglyceridemia.

If it works, fuck the science.

 down the road, you’re physically fit, you’ve taken your martial arts class.

          And the lady you wanted comes into your life.

That’s when valerian root tea helps the most.

          Stick to the hacking systems program.

Who would not want environmental stimuli?

It’s what you do when you grapple with the actions of environmental stimuli.

           ones that Reduce or increase psychological stress.

There a benefit, but some wear in the hypothesis

          It’s nice to have a cup of tea every day.

My thing is, that understanding the program affects and creates a change back to normal.

          The effects of central control that promotes aging.

Environmental visual and material effects over time.

                             And hack it.

 Get nose bleeds, and take marshmallow root. 

                                   My thing is interactive environment is programming change in the feedback systems of the human body, which is called aging.

(fight or flee reflex ) – the biological clock- and the like.  Proof of an Interactive Environmental Mammal.

 producing a change in its body

           The war genetic sequence in human collective sentient realty.

 the idea of an interactive three-dimensional creature in a collective sentient reality exists.

As long as it lives.

          A war genetic sequence created from homo sapiens and Neanderthals fighting for thousands of years.

Whatever you’re fighting about is produced by a collective genetic sequence that creates the conflict.

        Collective sentient adverse component to another collective reality that appears different like the fight or flee innate response but on a collective level.


      The tenth hypothesis of aging (prosopo )

Hacking the veins with Butcher’s Broom 

     Crash systems (Hemorrhoids, varicose vines.




      You want to stay in a sentient reality phenomenon as you interject into another. In time will create a new Collective integrated sentient reality program.

      Eat the food your ancestors were eating your body will be genetically more accepting of your ancestors’ foods.

Less conflict with embedded genetic systems

      Would like to explain every item on the list.

What I will say is it’s been tested by thousands of years of

Of folklore through trial and error to what works.



            hack the body and mind without pain.

                                                               Stuff that works.  

  1 - Vitamin C,

 2 -hawthorn berries extract

3- grape seed extract

4 -selenium

5- natural vitamin E

6- CoQ10

7 -Chicken Soup

8 -organic apricot kennels (B-13

9- Vitamin B 6

10 -Vitamin B 12

11- BCAA


13-alpha lipoic acid

14-bilberry extract


16-calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D3 complex –

17- L-Lysine-

18- copper – 2mg


20-Fish oil


22- astragalus

23- Butcher’s Broom

24-milk thistle

25- Arginine and Ornithine complex


27- vitamin D 3

28  - Horsetail


30- L-glutamine

Extend the collective sentient reality, you live in.

 There is no debate on folklore tested over time.

          (As to how much to take the recommended doses

On the bottle works)

 Never take excessive amounts of anything

Emilio Vick Garcia

Brooklyn Dog

 Lupus Cure or Spontaneous Remission

 The true Life of Samantha Garcia

The trials, and tribulations of a father, doctors, and child with lupus.

Emilio Vick Garcia – Amazon books

Emilio Vick Garcia

      Elon Musk, for President



Ion conductors – intracellular wiring

(Alongside) the Genome  WoW

In the Forthcoming Phenomenon of human collective ideas finds itself in Chaos Theory (Butterfly Effect)

 probability of future world War

What is the weather like tomorrow?

          It may take one person today  to ignite a future.

world war tomorrow.

          If someone killed, Hitler when he was born.

There would have been no World War Two.

          Using Chaos theory, we can find today’s Hitlers.

and prevent tomorrow’s wars. (Butterfly Effect)

Maybe not there is the imbedded genetic epigenetics.

Programing that creates war on a collective sentient realty  programed over time in stone , unless you do some future genetic editing.

Gravity comes from the center of a planet

An infinite universe can have no objective center

Gravity cannot  extend itself to the cosmos

There is no gravity in space,  time and light

Other than planet bound gravity

          As is magnetic fields

Is gravity expanding the universe

          Are magnetic fields expanding the universe

Is the universe expanding or being pulled by a force

          Into say a black hole a million times bigger then the universe

          Is all this just a perception of cognitive realty in human animals  

          Your objective sentient realty belies you.

It is the science of not knowing, that we know nothing

           gravity proportional to the mass of every object in the Universe what are the probabilities?

If you have a heart problem, see your doctor

          My thing is prevention  

The human heart is a hydraulic pump. A system.

 that uses pressure differences to move blood between chambers and the circulatory system.

Hydraulic system uses pressurized fluids to perform tasks, and the heart’s ventricles, atria, and valves create a pump that uses hydraulic forces to move blood between

Chambers and into the circulatory system. The blood pressure inside the heart and the size difference between the atria and ventricles affect the force.

Hydraulic forces are also used in mechanical processes such as car brakes and jacks.

 The heart has its energy supply


(Human Heart hydraulic pump Maintenance)

Energy to run the pump–cardiac energy is produced in

 mitochondria–primary function to generate energy

CoQ10 helps generate energy in cells mostly heart cells

Take CoQ10- 200mg per day

Organic hawthorn 500mg per day

Improvers blood circulation

It contains flavonoids an antioxidant

Lowers blood pressure

Grape seed extract  100mg per day

Rich in antioxidants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes that provide cardiovascular benefits

EDTA   (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ) chelation therapy


Tai chi, kung fu, something? (excises)

Walking for miles whatever

          Hydraulic Heart Maintenance

                             Human faces

  1. You wake up in the morning with a face

  2. You fix your face to what you want people to think  you look like

  3. The mental frame of reference of the person the face they see’

My thing is humans are symmetrical  creatures

And each side of a human face is somewhat different

So, you have two more half faces

Humans have Three faces plus two half faces.  

The End of War by Emilio Vick Garcia



all Humanity  is a collective sentient realty phenome

                                U.S.A, Russia, China, etc.   

consisting of culture, norms, moors, linguistics references, religion, pheromones and the like

           all have a different mental frame of refence

all governed by their collective ideologies

          superficial biological  plasticity makes them appear different, linguistic jargon,  tone.

          basic human differentiated skeleton structure

its final idea of clues that present themselves (closure-gestalt )

          they learn clues of a collective that represent the idea

are different in another collective same clues creating a different idea

                               human collective therapy

 understanding human collectives  (epigenetics psychology – behavioral epigenetics) closure

 innate heard animal behavior, group psychology

(if an animal is subjected to persistent  environmental stimulus, it changes human genetic programing )

          The 5,400-year war of homo neanderthals and homo sapiens

Created a sight and fight reflex of a collective,

 trigger by something that appears  different (epigenetic programed change )

To the extinction of neanderthals   

all collectives are at war to annihilate each other

due to the above

Indian tribes the Pequot, Mohegan, experienced cultural extinction

 cultural extinction is not new to world history

  ideologist of all collective sentient realities are delusional flukes

          the real reason they are at war is a propense genetic program to collective sight and fight reflex

created from the 5,400-year war of early man


          (It is an Indisputable Scientific Fact) 



ideologists are living in a fabricated metal frame of reference

          all ideologists are ideas and can be whatever, but genes create ideas an innate possibility that promotes war

on a collective psychological level

 Herds of Humans clashing to extinction forever

  fight-or-flight reflex on a human level

          Sight and fight reflex on the collective psychological human level


               All War's end in Human Death

 whoever governs the strongest economy in the world

             should have a no-war policy for all

Threaten with their economy flatlining

From the strongest economy in the world

With six months to resolve their differences

Some countries have little or failing economies

          And countries with economies on a grand scale

failing economies are subject to support

Grand-scale economies are subject to the market

Both are subject to the strongest economy

On a grand scale economies’

 U S and Russia are in a proxy war and the like

Deleting resources while China is getting stronger

Threaten with a flatling economy applicable to all governments

Will end the proxy wars and all wars on the planet

 death and destruction of war is unacceptable

Stress take Valerian Root 



GABA reduces stress

improve sleep quality 


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