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                                  Advertisement                     page 1

                   The tenth, hypothesis of aging.


                            Emilio Vick Garcia

 In a review of his book Child’s Conception of Time

                                Jean Piaget     

 ( Quote -Adaptation is only organization grappling with

the actions of the environment. Unquote.

  I could ask what organization is in humans.

          The Human Species Has a biological clock

Found in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)

Part of the hypothalamus

          It is where the Circadian Rhythm is resident.

It’s where time and weather are understood.

          Hormonal changes the body understands.

It is where an understanding of your commands.

To the body is complied with.

         It is where science we do not understand.

And give it Greek names. Are we on to something?


          The Biological Clock page 2

Regulating physiological functions

Light, Temperature change, sleep cycles,

Hormone secretion, Metabolism, immune system

           Your biological clock can tell time and wake you up when you ask,

I say to myself I need to be up at seven and I wake up at seven.

           Your talking to whatever in yourself

It understands your language,  whatever language you speak.

          Then it understands time outside your body,

 the time you requested then changes your body’s biology,

To produce hormones.

          At that time in the morning.

It is an environmentally interactive innate biological system.

         How can the biological clock tell in real time outside your body?  

We do not know what makes the Circadian Rhythm work.

We do not know what runs the program.

         When you draw dots that form a circle

Is it as your vision creating concepts?                             Page 3

For they are just dots, the circle is in your mind.

(Innate interactive vision systems, biological, biochemical, signaling  programs)

          One Called closure in gestalt.

Human closure is.

           The illusion of seeing an incomplete stimulus as

Though it was whole.

          Something that will determine what you think of people in range.

All animals are in a consent.  circle of accommodation and assimilation

with programs that change over time.

 biochemical programmed systems.

          Born with Innate programs like the fight or flight response and the like.

Environmental interactive programs

          The interacting senses seem to take on a whole new science.

add Language, Culture, and a whole matrix of stimuli.

Collect the data and track the integrative systems.

           Then hack them.

There are the sciences for people who are overweight, Psychology, and the like.   Page 4

It can help them with the environmental impact of the body projecting an image and the stimuli that create it.

                              overweight person's integrative systems

in its sentient reality.

          The problem is the system that controls the appetite.

It’s not working normally.

          Hack the system with a high-fiber diet and take.

Garcinia Cambogia (herb) reverses the appetite)

          For a person with an allergy -take nettle leaf.

(detoxifying effect)

          Things should fit and they do, or our earth bond creatures would not exist.

Yesterday’s events, Today’s events, Tomorrow’s events.

           You innately understand there is a today and a tomorrow.

What is the program that makes you understand?

How it works, how it affects you.  

          Other animals have sleep cycles they must know night after day.

 But they live in the moment. They don't understand that there is a tomorrow.

          in the crossfire a child is killed is it a victim or a Marta? Page 5.

 The child should have lived longer.

If you want the answer to that I suggest you read Machiavelli’s

                               The prince

         His take on how to govern.

           understanding Machiavelli’s book 

 You need to read.



His take on how to conquer the World.

         Then you can proceed and conquer the world.

Until then, keep your mouth shut. And stay in the system.

          This advertisement is about hormones that fly off a person’s body attaché. To another person in the environment and bond

 (in review)

Quote -I teach you, Superman,

          Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man? Un quote

Friedrich Nietzsche. Philosopher (born Oct 15, 1844-

                   (Thus Spake Zarathustra)

Digital societies where everyone eats bugs. Page 6

          Creatures in digital boxes

A world filled with digital boxes. In a cloud,

That tracks your digital fingerprint whatever, I know who you are. a matrix world with a control center.

         Who runs the control center?

From outside the body or inside the body?


a four-dimensional creature would see a different reality.  

Can you scientifically understand your senses,

          It's not the science of the body’s programs, that makes them work.

Not only how they interact biochemically with chemical reactions but how and what elicits a response.   

        Can we Hack or prevent body programs from happening in the first place?

We are in this mental masturbation.

         When will we get to the end of it all?

We are tomorrow as the cave dweller is to us today.

        We can talk to each other as three-dimensional creatures.

In a Transactional Analysis

Parent, adult, child response page 7

      creating a script for your child to live with and the like.

You live in a three-dimensional world.

and you could never understand another dimension.

      Because you can never leave the place you are in

In quantum physics, one day you will move from one dimension to another.

       Understanding the body because it thinks in closure. (gestalt )

You make sense out of things all things.


         Thinking in human cognitive terms (is there any other way)

The body entity,  its sub-systems that make up the whole system.

         All systems are programmed by an entity.

The control center is the entity. 

        This entity says that all humans must die over time.

And new humans replace them.

Turns on and off systems over time.

       It has a procreation cycle system.

To produce more (world population )

       And an aging system to control the world population.   Page 8

Plus, a genetic war sequence to end world population.

All of this in a( sentient collective reality)

          It utilizes all the senses and the environmental nuances.

In a psychosomatic way Timed inference and the like.

          (What is the entity that created systems of sentient reality

And is programmed to end sentient reality.

Sentient reality ends when you stop thinking.

         And collective sentient reality ends when.

Extinction (no one is thinking)

         The inclination that created a war sequence in humanity        

You just don’t get old and die, do you?

        There must be a control center.

There are systems in your body that are programmed to happen.  Yes.

Like Closer, tunnel vision, fight-or-flight reflex, enlarge prostrate,

      Male and female menopause and the like,

And there are environmental biochemical interactive programs that can be turned off and on over time.

And change you over time.

       For nose bleeds take marshmallow root extract. Page 9

The fight-or-flight response is automatic physiological.

Reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening.

          The (perception) of threat activates.

The sympathetic nervous system triggers an acute stress response.

          That prepares the body to fight or flee.

The effect, signals to the brain, that the adrenal glands produce hormones. The Body changes.

          Tunnel vision, auditory exclusion, tense muscles,

The liver converts glycogen to glucose, the lungs fast breathing,

Heart acceleration, slow digestion, hands shaking.

          The body entity is programing the changing body, from a visual stimulus.

The flight or fight response is designed literally to save your life.

But massive adrenaline damages your circulatory system.

Muscles, bones, and the like

             There is a good and a bad about this body reaction to an out if the body stimuli. (out of the body stimuli)

What other reactions are there to an out of the body?

                                                                                   Page 10

stimuli?  identify the other stimuli and the cause of the

changing reactions in humans.

And who controls all of this described as an entity I gave it?

a Greek name in one of the forward pages?                                                                                                                                                                                                                  â€‹




               All War's end in Human Death

 whoever governs the strongest economy in the world

             should have a no-war policy for all

Threaten with their economy flatlining

From the strongest economy in the world

With six months to resolve their differences

Some countries have little or failing economies

          And countries with economies on a grand scale

failing economies are subject to support

Grand-scale economies are subject to the market

Both are subject to the strongest economy

On a grand scale economies’

 U S and Russia are in a proxy war and the like

Deleting resources while China is getting stronger

Threaten with a flatling economy applicable to all governments

Will end the proxy wars and all wars on the planet

 death and destruction of war is unacceptable


Stress take Valerian Root 



GABA reduces stress

improve sleep quality 












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